Useful information

Who runs the business?

A family company headed by Zlatko Dimeski and Elisaveta Basheska

How many employees are there?

About 30 employees in production, administration, quality and trade.

What industries does Orion manufacture for?

For pharmacy, food industry, auxiliary equipment for the automotive industry, e.t.c.

What materials can Orion process?

All workable materials metal, stainless steel, bronze, aluminium, plastic, brass, with the focus being on stainless steel.

What are the dimensions of the processing machines?

Scraping from F150x300

Milling 400x800x400

Do you use an ERP system?

We use an integrated software package to optimally handle all business processes. This offers all the essential elements from buying to selling, from job preparation to production control to financial accounting. The integrated notification and information system provides competent information for the caller at all times.

Do you use CAD-CAM software and which ones?

Yes. In the first step, every part we manufacture is created as a 3D volume model with SolidWorks. All subsequent testing and production processes are based on this. With the help of this 3D design, every customer drawing that is sent to us is also double-checked. Data import via IGES / STEP / VDA or DXF is standard. Software we use: SolidWorks, Surfcam, Esprit, Sygmanest, Iges  and e.c.t.

What measurement options are there?
  • 3D CNC measuring machine
  • Micrometers for external and internal measurement
  • Movable Beak Gauge Caliper
  • Controllers of various types
  • Hard ionometer
  • Concentricity gauges
  • Apparatus for measuring roughness
Is there a complaint management system?

The level of quality is continuously assessed and evaluated. A process supported by the EDP is initiated for every complaint, whether external from customers or suppliers, or internal to manufacturing. All reasons, measures and costs are recorded in it. If there was a complaint about the work piece, production is automatically notified about it for the next production order. This minimizes repetitive errors. The reporting system allows for detailed assessments of error frequency, error causes, and error locations.

In what quantities does Orion produce?

Production takes place in two shifts and is designed for small and medium quantities. This means that batches can range from 10 pieces to 5000 pieces. A typical order size for us ranges from a few 100 to around 3000 pieces.

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+ 389 48 419 090

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